Ingjald ‎(Godred)‎ "the White" Helgesson  ‎(I2857)‎
Given Names: Ingjald ‎(Godred)‎ "the White"
Surname: Helgesson

Køn: MandMand

Birth: 820 20 Dublin, Leinster, Ireland

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Birth 820 20 Dublin, Leinster, Ireland

Last Change 26 maj 2013 - 22:58:22 - by: Henning
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Parents Family  (F1192)
Helge Olavsson
800 - 840
Tora Sigurdsdotter
Ingjald ‎(Godred)‎ "the White" Helgesson
820 -

Immediate Family  (F1191)
Aud ‎(ukendt)‎
Olaf "den hvide" Ingjaldsson
840 - 871


Ingjald Helgasson‎[1]‎ was a Hiberno-Norse chieftain of the ninth century AD. According to the Landnamabok he was the son of Helgi, the son of Olaf, the son of Gudrod, the son of Halfdan Hvitbeinn; he was thus distantly related to the Yngling kings of Vestfold and later Norway. According to Eyrbyggja saga, Ingjald's mother was Thora, the daughter of Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye who was a son of Ragnar Lodbrok.
Ingjald had at least one son, Olaf the White, who became King of Dublin.

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Forældre og familie
Helge Olavsson ‎(I2859)‎
Birth omkring 800 30 Vestfold, Norge
Death omkring 840 ‎(Alder 40)‎
Tora Sigurdsdotter ‎(I2860)‎
Birth Danmark
Ingjald ‎(Godred)‎ "the White" Helgesson ‎(I2857)‎
Birth 820 20 Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
Personens familie med Aud ‎(ukendt)‎
Ingjald ‎(Godred)‎ "the White" Helgesson ‎(I2857)‎
Birth 820 20 Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
Olaf "den hvide" Ingjaldsson ‎(I2855)‎
Birth 840 20 Dyflinni, Irland
Death 871 ‎(Alder 31)‎ Dublin, Leinster, Ireland